
导读: 电影-爱问知识人 有什么关于动物的小说?爱问知识人 狗狗电影大全 90后的你,是如何开始抗老的? 如果一个城市遍布超能力者会怎样? 阿玛尼粉底液选择? 《一拳超人》的剧情会如何继续发展? 写一篇英文影评 推荐影片 1 101只斑点狗 2 小猪巴比 3 小鸡快跑 4 冰河世纪...





黑鹤的小说不错-像《重返草原》之类的 加拿大野生动物学家西顿的《我所知道的野生动物》还有《101斑点狗》原著小说-《野生母狮艾尔莎传奇-生而自由》好像是记录文来的 ...











写一篇英文影评 推荐影片 1 101只斑点狗 2 小猪巴比 3 小鸡快跑 4 冰河世纪...

101 Dalmatians
As a kid,I grew up with the original animated 1961 movie and I liked it plenty.I also paid for the 1996 live-action movie(with Glenn Close as the diabolical Cruella DeVil)and I own the DVD of"101 Dalmatians 2:Patch's London Adventure".I've enjoyed them all.The only"Dalmatians"film I haven't seen(thus far)is"102 Dalmatians".(would anyone tip me off if it's any good?Or should I just not bother?However,my personal favorite"101D"medium is Disney's"101 Dalmatians:the Series".It combines many themes of the existing material(Dodie Smith book,1961 and 1996 movies).But still does its own things,too.
Our main pups include brave Lucky,who gets a strong personality mirroring his character in the book,lovable Rolly,the gourmand of the pups,and sweet little Cadpig,who is the true runt of the litter.Also there is Spot the chicken,who longs to be a dog.I find them all extremely amiable and enjoyable to watch.They are usually foiling Cruella's schemes for their land,or outwitting Lt.Pug(I'll get to him later),or sneaking into Grutely,or.just having fun,making a very likable show.
I also like the majority of the other characters.There's Tripod,the resident athlete dalmatian pup,he has only has three legs and is a positive"handicapped"character.Patch is designed after his charac ter in the book(he's supposed to be large).Pongo and Perdy are much like their characters in the original animated movie.Lucky's nemesis Mooch the Mutt is like all the jerks you knew in school.Two-Tone is really cute(she even has a pierced ear).Roger and Anita are written like their characters in the live-action movie,they were much involving in that film.Of course,Cruella DeVil is now their neighbor,constantly scheming to take over Dearly Farm.Even Cruella can now have funny moments.The one-shot characters are also charming and likable(a popular example is Lucky's friend Blaze the German Shepard pup from"Dog's Best Friend").The only character I just don't like is Lt.Pug.He feels...



黑鹤的小说不错-像《重返草原》之类的 加拿大野生动物学家西顿的《我所知道的野生动物》还有《101斑点狗》原著小说-《野生母狮艾尔莎传奇-生而自由》好像是记录文来的 ...




如何评价《驯龙高手 3》?







当然,最后三个不能放弃对狗的感情,一路回头。但这部电影最感人的不是人们兑现了“回来救他们”的承诺,而是狗在南极洲独居时的坚韧和顽强,以及主人会回来接狗的信念。《导盲犬小Q》导盲犬的发展解释了人们和导盲犬通常需要和相互支持的情感。一只被取名为小Q的拉布拉多犬当选去接收导盲犬的培训 ,经由困难的锻炼以后,小Q成为了一只及格的导盲犬,也认识了第一位仆人渡边先生,刚刚培养出感情,渡边就病倒去世了,小Q又回到了训练中心,最终病逝。渡边老师从开端不信任导盲犬,到和小Q成为最亲热的伙伴。大病和小Q分开了三年,在他生命的最后一刻,他找到了小Q,它已经完成了最后30米,陪伴他的生命。《101忠狗》迪斯尼1961年的第17部经典动画片“大麦和狗庞哥”,与帕蒂塔并驾齐驱,孕育了15只小狗。当一家人在享受狗的快乐时,一个诡异的女老板有了一个坏主意。她把狗绑起来,准备做一件有斑点的大衣。而这边,一场小狗救援记就此展开…



写一篇英文影评 推荐影片 1 101只斑点狗 2 小猪巴比 3 小鸡快跑 4 冰河世纪...

101 Dalmatians
As a kid,I grew up with the original animated 1961 movie and I liked it plenty.I also paid for the 1996 live-action movie(with Glenn Close as the diabolical Cruella DeVil)and I own the DVD of"101 Dalmatians 2:Patch's London Adventure".I've enjoyed them all.The only"Dalmatians"film I haven't seen(thus far)is"102 Dalmatians".(would anyone tip me off if it's any good?Or should I just not bother?However,my personal favorite"101D"medium is Disney's"101 Dalmatians:the Series".It combines many themes of the existing material(Dodie Smith book,1961 and 1996 movies).But still does its own things,too.
Our main pups include brave Lucky,who gets a strong personality mirroring his character in the book,lovable Rolly,the gourmand of the pups,and sweet little Cadpig,who is the true runt of the litter.Also there is Spot the chicken,who longs to be a dog.I find them all extremely amiable and enjoyable to watch.They are usually foiling Cruella's schemes for their land,or outwitting Lt.Pug(I'll get to him later),or sneaking into Grutely,or.just having fun,making a very likable show.
I also like the majority of the other characters.There's Tripod,the resident athlete dalmatian pup,he has only has three legs and is a positive"handicapped"character.Patch is designed after his character in the book(he's supposed to be large).Pongo and Perdy are much like their characters in the original animated movie.Lucky's nemesis Mooch the Mutt is like all the jerks you knew in school.Two-Tone is really cute(she even has a pierced ear).Roger and Anita are written like their characters in the live-action movie,they were much involving in that film.Of course,Cruella DeVil is now their neighbor,constantly scheming to take over Dearly Farm.Even Cruella can now have funny moments.The one-shot characters are also charming and likable(a popular example is Lucky's friend Blaze the German Shepard pup from"Dog's Best Friend").The only character I just don't like is Lt.Pug.He feels...






Someone at Disney had the brilliant(in a money-making sense)idea of remaking classic Disney cartoon movies such as The Jungle Book and One Hundred and One Dalmatians with live actors.Given the box-office success of these famous films,there was a built-in audience for them.However,in term of creativity,this idea hasn't really panned out and most of the remakes have been pretty shoddy.101 Dalmatians is actually one of the better ones,and that's not saying much.
Roger(Jeff Daniels)is a video-game producer stuck in a rut trying to come up with a convincing villain;he lives in London with Pongo,his Dalmatian companion.Anita(Joely Richardson)is a fashion designer for the fur-loving and sadistic Cruella De Vil(Glenn Close);her best friend is Perdy.Pongo and Perdy meet in a dramatic fashion when they are on their walks and fall in love with each other.Very quickly,Roger and Anita also wed and both parents are soon expecting.All's well,right?Not quite.Cruella,who has decided that spots are in fashion,wants a coat made purely of Dalmatian fur.She commands her two henchmen,Jasper(Hugh Laurie)and Horace(Mark Williams)to steal Pongo and Perdy's fifteen puppies to add to 83 others that they've already dognapped so Cruella's desires can be met.Aided by a bunch of small furry creatures,Roger,Anita,Pongo,and Perdy must find the puppies before the evil Skinner(John Shrapnel)gets to work on them.
Glenn Close is an excellent actress and it is she who makes this film work(clearly,she's having a good time).Hugh Laurie and Mark Williams provide some laughs as Cruella's henchmen,and the threat that John Shrapnel poses as Skinner is menacing enough.Watching the film,I couldn't help but thinking how much of a dog's(or another animal's)spirit must been bludgeoned to make it perform the way Disney wanted them to.
I saw the film with a couple of kids which made it all worthwhile as they explained all the plot details to me patiently.Worth renting in that context.

101只斑点狗 英文影评!要求是初一年级能用的,只要100字左右,只要初一年级...

AnitaDivi boss loves fashion made of animal fur,in order to do a skin coat at all,please have a professional thief from London Zoo tiger hunting rare.This time,her hands extended to the newborn and sm.

101只斑点狗 英文字幕





游戏软件设计师罗杰与时装设计师安妮塔原是两个互不相识的陌生人,唯一的共同点是他们各自养了一条斑点狗,一天在伦敦的海德公园里,两只爱犬一见钟情,顺带把它们的主人也牵上了红线,分别组成了两个幸福的家庭,一窝可爱的小斑点狗很快降生了。安妮塔的老板库伊拉酷爱动物毛皮制成的时装,为了做一件虎皮大衣曾不惜请专业小偷从伦敦动物园里猎杀珍稀的老虎。这次,她的黑手又伸向了刚出世的小斑点狗们,由于罗杰和安 塔拒绝出让,小偷们再次出动,绑架了安妮塔家的15只小狗和84只小斑点狗共计99只小狗。心急如焚的安妮塔一家向警方求助,两只大麦町犬也向全伦敦城的动物们发出了求救信号,经过一场惊心动魄的救险行动后,99只小狗全部安然无恙地从坏女人库伊拉的魔掌下逃生,坏人们也全部落入法网。罗杰从坏女人库伊拉身上得来灵感,所创作的游戏大受欢迎,全家住进了宽敞的别墅,101只斑点狗从此过上了幸福快乐的生活。




很老的动画片。1961年美国迪士尼推出第17部经典动画长片,《101斑点狗》又被译作《101忠狗》(One Hundred and One Dalmatians),被认为是父母最乐意推荐给小朋友观赏的电影之一。这套电影在1999年改为真人拍摄的电影,英文片名没变,但在华语市场则译作《101斑点狗》。这套剧其后更推出续集《102斑点狗》。这套续集在香港宣传时,更租用了全香港所有102号缐隧巴的车身广告位。不过电影落画后,印有广告的车被派往行驶其他路缐,于是马路上出现了「113斑号狗」、「170斑点狗」、甚至「5B斑点狗」的笑话广告。



美国与狗有关电影 一部与花斑狗有关的电影 一共一百零一直花斑狗



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