
导读: 在英文学术 PPT 制作过程中,有那些相见恨晚的方法和技巧? 怎样做一个能够脱颖而出的5分钟个人介绍PPT? 在英文学术 PPT 制作过程中,有那些相见恨晚的方法和技巧? 英语课老师要我们做一个小组展示,要做PPT。主题是动物,你们觉得可以讲... 狗的英文介绍 猎人与狗的故事英文版 最好有PPT 非常感谢 狗的英文介绍 关于狗的英文简介 英语课老师要我们做一个小组展示,要做PPT。主题是动物,你们觉得可以讲...

在英文学术 PPT 制作过程中,有那些相见恨晚的方法和技巧?





在英文学术 PPT 制作过程中,有那些相见恨晚的方法和技巧?





A Short History of the Dog
No other species of animal displays so much diversity.Today there are over 400 breeds of dog to choose from,in every shape and size,not to mention cross breeds.But despite so much variation,all domestic dogs are part of the same family,Canis familiaris,proven by DNA analysis to be descendants of Canis lupus,the wolf.
The wolf's adaptability to different environments,and its ability to co-operate socially,led to success in the wild.For the same reasons it was also well prepared for adapting to a domestic life.In fact it is the domesticated wolf that has proved most successful.Today there are than 400 million dogs around the world,compared with only about 40,000 wolves left in the wild.
It's been a very long time since your Cocker Spaniel's forebears roamed the forests.But although it may not be that obvious,our dogs retain many of the behavioural characteristics of the young wolf-playfulness,an urge to explore,and a willingness to be submissive to a parent or leader figure.The ability of the wolf to vary its social organisation from living alone to living in pairs or in large packs,its excellent communication abilities,and its need to develop stable communal relationships have also been passed on to the dog.
Behaviourally the dog is a bit like a wolf that has never grown up,a permanent 11 year-old in human terms,with a special talent in each breed for running,guarding,herding or the like.
Dogs have had a special bond with humans for 12,000 years.We befriended each other when wolves were foraging around our Mesolithic camps for food,and our own ancestors quickly discovered that 'dogs' could help them track and hunt animals.
The wolves that were most tolerant of people thrived.Once a village had a resident population,humans recognised that young wolves could be socialised and put to useful purposes.We began by selecting them for their friendliness and then to breed them for physical and behavioural characteristics.
We bred our '...

猎人与狗的故事英文版 最好有PPT 非常感谢

1、猎人是决策者,狗是执行者。即猎人和狗之间是主体和工具的关系。但这个工具是特殊的工具,它有自己不断变化的需求。但猎人没有处理好主体和工具、需与求的关系。2、猎人与狗都是站在对立的角度(即以自身利益为出发点)上来看待问题与解决问题的。他们之间仅仅是基于相互利用的参与关系,没有 成利益共同体的共识,违背了合作双赢的思想。3、虽然猎人在4个不同阶段对猎狗分别采取了4种不同的管理方式,即:初期实行了“大锅饭式”的简单激励;中前期实行了“短期业绩考核”的差别激励方式;后期采取了“兼顾双方长期利益”的阶段式股份制激励方式。而且每种方式分别取得了不同的激励效果。但是,猎人的管理始终立足于短期和局部,没有站在全局和长远的高度正确处理主体、核心价值、员工利益的关系,特别是未能处理好大家关注的焦点—利益分配。4、猎人自始至终只是关注猎狗低层次的需求—骨头和兔肉,没有满足猎狗自尊和自我实现的需求,所以当MicroBone公司许诺给加盟的野狗能得到公司n%的股份时,强大的诱惑力使那些自认为是怀才不遇的野狗们都以为找到了知音:终于做公司的主人了!直至后来出书,成为明星F4,收版权费,没有风险,利润更高。猎狗的最大需求得以满足,狗生价值得以实现。5、猎人至始至终只是关心猎狗的劳动成果,没有为它们创造条件,使猎狗有机会获得一个有成就感和自我价值实现感的职业生涯。让猎狗产生不安和后顾之忧,造成猎狗不断为自己寻找机会。6、随着内外部环境发生极大的变化,猎人没有意识到潜在的危机,因而没有采取立足长远的创新举措。于是有了MicroBone公司的出现,形成竞争更加激烈的生存环境。三、解决思路


The dog is a canine mammal of the Order Carnivora.Dogs were first domesticated from wolves at least 12,000 years ago[1]but perhaps as long as 150,000 years ago based on recent genetic fossil evidence and DNA evidence[2].In this time,the dog has developed into hundreds of breeds with a great degree of variation.For example,heights at the withers range from just a few inches(such as the Chihuahua)to roughly three feet(such as the Irish Wolfhound),and colors range from white to black,with reds,grays(usually called blue),and browns occurring in a tremendous variation of patterns.
Dogs,like humans,are highly social animals and pack hunters;this similarity in their overall behavioral pattern accounts for their trainability,playfulness,and ability to fit into human households and social situations.Dogs fill a variety of roles in human society and are often trained as working dogs.For dogs that do not have traditional jobs,a wide range of dog sports provide the opportunity to exhibit their natural skills.In many countries,the most common and perhaps most important role of dogs is as companions.Dogs have lived with and worked with humans in so many roles that their loyalty has earned them the sobriquet"man's best friend."Conversely,some cultures consider dogs to be unclean.In other cultures,some dogs are used as food.
1 Terminology
2 Physical characteristics
3 Intelligence
4 Diet
4.1 Treats
4.2 Dangerous substances
5 Reproduction
5.1 Fertility
5.2 Menarche
5.3 Pregnancy and litters
6 Spaying and neutering
7 Attributes
7.1 Sight
7.2 Hearing
7.3 Scenting
7.4 Direction and spatial sense
7.5 Weather detection
8 Dog health
8.1 Diseases
8.2 Parasites
8.3 Common physical disorders
9 Behavior
9.1 Interactions between Dogs and Humans
9.2 Dogs as working partners
9.3 Dogs as hunting and sporting partners
9.4 Dogs as pets
9.5 Attacks on humans and livestock
9 .6 Abandoned dogs


dog,it is our good friend.It also is our good partner.It helps us to look after our house when we are out.It can listen to you when you want to pour out some borings.It has a very ingenious nose.It can smell many scents.It often help the policeman to find the stealing.Dog is very clever.




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