
导读: 加菲猫那种性格的男人,女的喜欢吗? 加菲猫的英语介绍 加菲猫的经典语句 有哪些描写正直诚实的词语吗? 关于猫的词语、 快乐的乐能组什么词语? 求两个字的形容电影中加菲猫的词语





Garfield is the main character.He is a lazy,selfish,overweight,orange tabby cat who enjoys eating and sleeping.
He hates Mondays due to his consistent streak of bad luck on them.He hates diets(die with a"T")and February("the Monday of months")and considers himself to be intelligent than other animals and humans.He also hates spiders,although sometimes he communicates with them.In fact,over time,Garfield has communicated or understood the thoughts of many things,including other cats,mice,rats,dogs,people,clocks,trees,bathroom scales,squirrels,fish,plants,foods(mostly from the fridge),ants,birds and a ball of yarn.
Garfield was born in the kitchen of Mama Leoni's Italian Restaurant and developed a taste for lasagna the day he was born.Ever since then,it has always been his favorite food.At birth,Garfield weighed 5lbs,8oz.Later in his life,Garfield runs across his Mother again one Christmas Eve,accidentally,and meets his Grandfather for the first time.Although,in a series of strips from November 10 to November 22,1980,Garfield meets his other grandfather.
At the end of the TV special Garfield Gets a Life,Jon’s car is shown driving away,and his vehicle registration plate says Indiana,indicating that Garfield lives in Indiana.Jim Davis added this is possible because he is from Indiana.It is revealed in the special Garfield Goes Hollywood that he and Jon live in Muncie,Indiana.
In his cartoon appearances,Garfield usually causes mischief in every episode.In June 1983,comic strips introduced Garfield's alter-ego,Amoeba Man,yet he was only shown in 6 strips(6-20 through 6-25).Amoeba Man is only one of his few imaginary alter egos.The Caped Avenger is one of the common ones.
It was revealed on July 1,1983 that he doesn’t like raisins.This has also been implied in a comic strip where Garfield saves time by making a list of things he doesn't want for his birthday instead of things he does want.The only thing on the list was raisins.His birthday is June 19,...


德行 千万不要告诉他们我做了好事,这会影响我的形象的!欧迪,我们去吃冰激凌吧,不过你得看着我吃。“欧迪在窗外冻得瑟瑟发抖,真可怜。我真有点不忍心看他这样。不,难道我能坐视不管吗?我必须做点什么。加菲拉上了窗帘。今后我永远不做对不起欧迪的事…也许,也许不是永远。我还得对欧迪说一声对不起-(这时欧迪站在桌子边上,加菲走过去一脚将它踢下去。现在得说两声。雅量 每天我只吃四餐饭…早饭、午饭、晚饭和零食。最可爱的东西莫过于一张放着猪肉卷的小桌子。从今以后,我将不再贪吃,而只是爱吃而已。(加菲把嘴张得尽可能大,然后用尺子量尺寸)乔恩,我的生日蛋糕要这么大的。捷悟 加菲猫肯定不是为猪肉卷而生,但猪肉卷肯定是为加菲猫而生。我向星星许了个愿。我并不是真的相信它,但是反正也是免费的,而且也没有证据证明它不灵。规箴 爱我,喂我,不要离开我。乔恩:送披萨的是个女的。加菲:女披萨快递员?快娶了她!加菲猫的睡眠心得 睡觉时会挠爪子的人不要用水床。加菲猫透露的关于猫的秘密 你越不想给猫收拾东西,它就越要给你弄得一团糟。猫不 生闷气:它们都是马上发作。猫能听到18公里以外开肉罐头的声音。我并不是每次吃完饭就躺着,有时我边吃饭边躺着,生活中有些改变会增加乐趣。








圆滚 土肥 肉萌


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