花齿突蟾 Scutiger maculatus

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花齿突蟾 Scutiger maculatus档案信息


拉丁名:Scutiger maculatus

门:脊索动物门 Chordata

纲:两栖纲 Amphibia

科:锄足蟾科 Pelobatidae


描述: Aelurophryne maculata sp. nov. Tgpe.—No. 55869 Chicago Natural H istory Museum, from Hasa, 11,000 feet altitude, Kantze,Sikang, China. juvenile male,coll ected August 19, 1943, by Ch’ eng-chao Liu. Diagnosis.—A small species of Aelurophrgne(fig.22) closely related to A. tainingensis, differing in being without warts on the belly; in having the warts on the back very small and dark; toes about two-thirds webbed; on solid dar] brown triangular mark between the eyes and on the anterior part of the back on large light-colored flat eart at the mid-posterior aspect of each thigh; sub articular tubercles on fingers and toeswell developed;fringes on tors very strongl developed; on warts on soles of feet. Description of tgpe.—Tongue slightly notched; on vomerine teeth; jaw weak and without maxillary teeth. Body moderately stout; head scarcely broader than long, depressrd; snou rounded, slegtly projecting beyond the moth, adout as long as the eye; canthu rostralis obtuse,with loreal region oblique and concave; nostril nearer to th tip of the snout than to the anterior corner of the eye; internasal space narrow than the interorbital space, which is wider than the upper eyelid; tympanuhidden. Arm moderately long, fingers (fig,22,B)slender and long, the first slight shorter than the second, the fourth longer than the second and the third t longest;palmar tubercles prominent, the inner larger and flat, the outer smallbut eith elevated cehter; subarticular subarticular tubercles well developed; fmger tips much ligher in color. Hind limb short and weak, the length of the hind limb 128 per cent of the body length; tibio-tarsal articulation reaching the base of the arm, heels not meeting when placed at right angles to the body; tibia 39 per cent of the body length; toes(fig.22,C) greatly flattened, with wide fringes, tips with very smalldilations, about two-thirds webbed; subarticular tubercles well developed; inner metatarsal tubercleflattened, elongated oval, with a free edge; no outer meta-tarsal tubercle. skin moderately rugose, with very small warts in the anterior part of the back, with much larger ones on the sides and posterirly and with smesmall warts on the upper sides of the limbs; medium-sized warts developed around theanal region;skin smooth on the throat, the belly, and the ventral sides of the limbs. A thick glandular fold from the posterior angle of the upper euelid exted-inf posteriorly and obliquely to the shoulder. Measurements of tgpe (percentage of body length in parentheses).—Body length 49mm.; head length 16mm.(32.6); head width 17mm.(34.6);inter-orbiral space 4mm,(8.3); length of lower arm 24mm.(48.9); diameter of lower arm 4 mm.(8.3);length of hand 13 mm, (26.5); length of leg 63mm. (128.5); length of tibia 19 mm.(38.6); length of foot and tarsus 32mm. (65.3);length of foot 22 mm.(44.8); length of inner meratarsal tubercle 3.7 mm.(7.5). Coloration in life.—Olive green on the back and greatly marbled with dark brown, which usually encloses the olive green warts; limbs similar but the con-cealed paets of the hind limbs lighter and more pinkish; the throat, the belly,the ventral sides of the limbs and the inner dorsal aides of the hands and the feetpinkish cream. After preservation,gray is the ground color on the back and on the upper sides of the limbs, marbled with darker; colorless on the throat, the belly and the ventral sides of the limbs and the inner dorsal sides of the hands and teet. Distribution.—This new frog was found under a stone at the edge of a small mountain stream close to Hasa, about 11,000 feet altitude. Many tadpoles and a few adults of Aelurophrgne brevipes and adults of Rana temporaria chen-sinensis were collected along the same stream. After I discovered the new frog, we worked long and hard, but we failed to find another specinen. The new Aelurophrgne is notably distinct in field in its remarkable coloration.

花齿突蟾 Scutiger maculatus标本记录信息















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